comprises the words for “Rain shower”, “escape” and “great joy”

to mean...

"the feeling of beauty that comes from running out of the pouring rain and into a completely empty metro train car all to yourself?"

by Jean-Paul Honegger
I was totally feeling Regenschauersfluchthocherfreulichkeit because i made it to an empty train car after being drenched by a downpour. The silence was calming and I took in the beauty of this mass transit miracle sans people because it is usually more chaotic, but also in a good way for other reasons.
by fluegelhorn June 4, 2021
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comprises the words for “Rain shower”, “escape” and “great joy”

to mean...

"the feeling of beauty that comes from running out of the pouring rain and into a completely empty metro train car all to yourself?"

by Jean-Paul Honegger
I was totally feeling Regenschauersfluchthocherfreulichkeit because i made it to an empty train car after being drenched by a downpour. The silence was calming and I took in the beauty of this mass transit miracle sans people because it is usually more chaotic, but also in a good way for other reasons.
by fluegelhorn June 4, 2021
Get the Regenschauersfluchthocherfreulichkeit mug.