The act of immediately regretting doing or saying something when angry.
John felt Ragegret after breaking is new iPhone due to an infuriating conversation with his mother.
by wylie kyleote July 21, 2014
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The sense of realisation how your display of internet rage has actually made your life nothing more than a failure and that your ragequit was seen more as a welcome break for others than a moral victory for yourself.
‎"I HATE YOU, YOU SUCK, I'M NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN!" *slam door, stomp off, stomp back, open door* "AND IT'S PRONOUNCED MAN-DA-TOR-EE!!" accompanied by the rageflail of arms, rageface and, in the privacy of ones basement and the light of a monitor, the ragefap leading to ragegasm and crying yourself to sleep with ragegret
by GuiseDugal May 14, 2011
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