Elusive rocks found on the shores of lake Huron. Legend has it if you find a rock with the word sex etched into you can exchange the rock to anyone you wish for sexual favors.
I found a sex rock on the beach. I am going to trade it to you for a old fashioned.
by Crispy boy June 28, 2018
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-Hey do you know where there's any sex rocks at.
-Ya just have a looksy at the fucking ground.
by TylerMelmer December 9, 2019
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Any large rock. A sex rock is often found around a house in the landscaping. A sex rock can be any shape but must be large enough to have intercourse on.
"Look at that new boulder in Anderson's yard"
"Looks like a great sex rock!"
by patsy ulso December 25, 2011
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A rock, preferably with a reddish color, that gives off a white residue when it is handled.
When one person would like to have coitus with another, they could give that person a Texas Sex Rock. The gift would serve as the question, "Would you like to have sex with me?" The answer would be determined by the acceptance or rejection of the rock as a gift.
J: "Would you like this Texas Sex Rock?"
C: "Yes, give it to me!"
by Red Headed Devil May 26, 2016
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A big rock to hit one of the opposite gender in the head with to knock them out and have sex with them
Hey would you want to have sex? no !!?? Well, let me show you my Indian sex Rock!
by Sex rock hound July 16, 2023
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The act of hot, intense, dry, raw intercourse. Popularized by burger chungles
"you, me, rock sex, right now"
by Burger chungles April 25, 2020
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Having sex while playing punk rock music. People often decorate their rooms to fit the punk rock aesthetic and music but sometimes not just for their love of music but also for the feeling it gives when they're having sex or just relaxing.
Oh my god Bridget you and your boyfriend should have Punk Rock Sex!

You want my Punk Rock Sex playlist? Tough luck

Punk Rock Sex hits different.

Fuck a goth gf, punk gfs and Punk Rock sex are in now!

Getting fucked by my punk bf to his Punk Rock Sex playlist hits bitch.
by Gina B Gisuprmee July 28, 2020
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