A brief trip to Wikipedia during class in order for the teacher or student to prove one another wrong. Originated in Br. Joe's Latin class in Akron, Ohio.
Teacher "I believe John Kerry only had two purple hearts."

Student "No way! He had three, lets do a quickie wiki and find out."
by Bob Gnarly June 10, 2008
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Quickly searching something on Wikipedia. Wiki Quickies are particularly useful when talking about a challenging subject online or over the phone. A quick glance at the Wikipedia page pertaining to your subject will easily and discretely give you the upper-hand in a debate, or will simply make you look smarter.
Person #1: (while putting away laptop or iPhone) "Did you know that the smallest house in the world is only 5.49 square meters in size?"

Person #2: "Woah! I had know idea. How did you know that?"

Person #1: "Wiki quickie, baby!!"
by David Schwartz April 16, 2008
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