A semi passive-aggressive statement delivered a question format in a effort to lessen the sting of the obvious failure on your part.

The person asking the question already knows the answer, they just want to create the uncomfortable moment of making you state what is already obvious.
Buddy: “Do you think that we should have a written policy about Sales people discounting deals without permission below our stated floor?”

David: “quit asking me ‘buddy questions’!”
by entechUS October 24, 2018
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Something someone says when he doesn't know the answer to the question being asked while still looking smart and knowledgeable.
by RKei™ July 6, 2018
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To ask somebody to marry, usually from the male to the female, often on bended knee with an engagement ring.
See: the question
My jaw dropped when Danny popped the question.
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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A stupid and/or irrelevant question. Made famous by the Washington Nationals' Bryce Harper.
Reporter: What's your favourite beer?

Bryce: I'm not answering that. That's a clown question, bro.
by ImJaay June 22, 2012
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A phrase usually indicating that the speaker has absolutely no idea how to answer said question. Often used to stall for time.
Photography teacher walking in on students who should be at pep rally: What are you doing here?
Sreya: That's a good question!
by Shen June 29, 2004
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Question asked by a clinical physician instructor to humiliate third or fourth year medical students.
Dr. Jackass's favorite pimp question is "What is the most common EKG finding in pulmonary embolism?" Just answer that correctly and he'll give you a good grade.
by huskies141414 November 15, 2011
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originating on twitter, it is a phrase used to point out that a woman is obviously gay
straight person: omg i bet she’s gay i have such a good gaydar

the bitch in question: *kristen stewart* *cara delevingne* ect
by jmlt15 April 7, 2020
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