Slang for mid-grade pot. Short for "pretend kind" buds. Usually a kind strain but poorly grown or accidently allowed to germinate from male plants. Still better than schwag, but not as good as kind. Going rates in Boulder, CO..

kind bud...$50 per 1/8th ounce. Very nice. No seeds. Smells/tastes great. 1-3 hits should do you. See Northern Lights.

Pretendies...$100 per ounce. Usually green and fluffy. Perhaps some seeds. Smells/tastes good. May need 2-5 hits for nice groove. Sometimes called beesters.

Schwag...$60 per ounce. Can be dark green or brown. Lots of seeds. Sometimes formed in brick squares. Smells/tastes earthy or like dirt. Will need 4+ hits to get high. Sometimes only produces headache.
Dude, I can't get any kind buds. How 'bout we buy some pretendies?
by Purple Bong December 18, 2005
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The act of being pretentious with no merit or using lies or pretend to back up a pretentious statement.
"Matt said he was the best DJ in the world, but he's just being totally pretendious."
by Jackola October 13, 2008
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