Adjective used to describe someone who is legit and beast at the same time. It can also mean someone who assumes the role of a civilized person, even when he's not.
Dude. That guy is so prajal at basketball. so beast, man.
by AsianGirlNextDoor December 9, 2009
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A man with a seemingly endless supply of wit, charm and charisma. The perfect boyfriend. The cutest guy you may meet. They are generally loving, caring and without flaw. They have great respect for women. Has a great sense of humour.
by Bona2520 November 21, 2021
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When you are high, dumb, chill and fired fire hot at the same time
Look man at that guy, he's prajales
Yeah man he's high as a kite
by MiahitaBoss August 9, 2020
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