A meaning that is used instead of profanity or rude gestures. Can be used to indicate all emotions.

Many work establishments now fine there employees for the use of profanities. Now by expressing your emotions with "Pootersnickers" many employers dismiss it for either of two reasons: Not knowing of the definition, and or not knowing it's intent.
"Ohh pootersnickers!" (Happy & Mad)

"I stubbed my thumb, POOTERSNICKERS!!" (Angry)

"I need to work a double again, Pootersnickers!" (Mad)

"Look at her, pootersnickers."(Happy)

"Don't come behind me like that, pootersnickers!"(Scared)

"Pootersnickers, I cannot stand working with that person." (Mad)
by Alexander37 March 7, 2011
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