A man who is neither from Cuba nor has swagger, but has many other qualities of the legend that is Pitbull. Although not singing duets with J Lo or Ke$ha, Petebull can be found bringing down the local karaoke bar. His success with ladies on the dance-floor comes from both his greater life experience and his persistence. Despite his partiality for chasing tail like a confused puppy, he has a good heart and no doubt if he had the funds of Pitbull, he would also support poor children through their education. Fortunately, although his bank balance is smaller, he has more height and more hair (for now) than actual Pitbull.
Bob: Hey, dude. Is that Pitbull over there whistling at that hen party?
Tim: I don't know... He does seem to have a lot of the qualities of Pitbull, but he seems to have less swagger and more hair.
Bob: Yeah, you're right. It must be Petebull.
Tim: Yup, seems like Petebull.
by QuestionNothing July 9, 2014
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