Most kind person you'll meet. You'll always feel wholesome by their side and you'll feel warm and comfy. She will most likely become one of your best friends, due to her kind acts of friendship and her constant care for your feelings. She is someone honest who loves her family and friends. Although she can have rough mornings, you'll always find her with a holy smile on her face. Overall the nicest person to be friends with if you need a load of warm and gentil hugs.
Do you know Perav?
Oh yeah! She's really cool, she helped me with my homework the other day!
by hotasshairs1020 October 28, 2019
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Perav is a rare kurdish name that only the prettiest girls get named. All the Peravs often have brown hair and eyes. They are badasses at everything and they talk alot.
by SuuuhDude00 December 12, 2016
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