: a misheard word for Pepperoni.

: used as a SNS username.

: slang word for, uhm, how should I explain this? a slang word for, ugh, skip na nga lang.

: popularized by SB19's hardworking pureboy, Justin de Dios.

: other term for Pepperoni Pizza.
Justin: Pepperoni Pizza!

Stell: Oh, I thought it's Peppemoti.

Justin: Yes, it's Pepperoni!

Stell: No, I like Peppemoti more.

Justin: Bru, Pepperoni is Peppemoti.

Stell: *shook*
by BBJoshiephine October 5, 2020
Get the Peppemoti mug.
: a misheard word for Pepperoni.

: used as a SNS username.

: slang word for, uhm, how should I explain this? a slang word for, ugh, skip na nga lang.

: popularized by SB19's hardworking pureboy, Justin de Dios.

: other term for Pepperoni Pizza.
Justin: Pepperoni Pizza!

Stell: Oh, I thought it's Peppemoti.

Justin: Yes, it's Pepperoni!

Stell: No, I like Peppemoti more.

Justin: Bru, Pepperoni is Peppemoti.

Stell: *shook*
by BBJoshiephine October 5, 2020
Get the Peppemoti mug.