When overtaking two or more vehicles with the final vehicle overtaken done so unnecessarily and against the better judgement of the driver, usually due to pent up adrenaline fueled resentment of having been held up by a f#cking caravan for 15 minutes.
John was about to lose his freaking mind having been stuck behind a 18-foot caravan for over 15 minutes when an overtaking lane appeared.

With a handful of profanities, John passes the caravan only to notice a second vehicle approximately 20 metres away.

In an adrenaline fuled stupor and against his better judgement John accelerates, passing the second vehicle with 75 metres of the overtaking lane remaining, pulling in front of the other vehicle with less than a comfortable amount of space between the two.

John looks in his revision mirror to see three metres from the rear bumper of his 2004 Mazda 3 is a 2018 Porche 911 GT3 cruising at 100km/h in second gear. A vehicle, unlike his own, that would have no issues, and whos driver was undoubtedly looking foward to, ascending the upcoming 28km of narrow, single lane, winding, mountain road.

John feels the embarrassed red glow and gut-turning shame of overestimataking.
by Shombray5000 August 16, 2018
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