A cyber-world Leper Colony comprised of HillBillies, RedNecks, and Trailer Park All Stars. Outermonvolia exists only to host Sausage Parties and to perform the ancient Spartan Warrior Dick Dance. The Dick Dancers or Sword fighters conduct on-line parties with a preponderance of participants being males. What few females who might be lurking are always cock blocked. Outermonvolians often spend an inordinate amout of time trying to find a "keyhole" and crazily dabbing at the area around it. Many Outermolians are cutters that ginormous sweaty Man-Titties
Jim: "How was the outermonvolia last night?"
Kevin: "It was pretty good, but most of the people there were dick dancing."
Jim: "So it was a sausage party?"
Kevin: "I don't know about that ya Dick Sting, because although there were some women there, there were even fewer straight men there."
Jim: In fact old NoogaVol took it in the chili chute!
by Ron Tosh February 23, 2008
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