A web-comic parodying the adventures of a group of D&D characters written by Rich Burlew.
The latest issue of Order of the Stick can be found at www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript
The latest issue of Order of the Stick can be found at www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript
'Belkar is my favorite character in Order of the Stick.'
by Steve H. March 22, 2005
Created by Rich Burlew, OotS is one of the most awesome kickass webcomics in the world. Drawn as stick figures, OotS is a group of six adventurers: Their leader Roy Grenhilt (fighter), Haley Starshine (rogue), Durkon Thundershield (dwarven cleric), Belkar Bitterleaf (halfling ranger), Elan (bard) and Vaarsuvius (elven wizard).
by brujahonly August 6, 2009