2 men stand tip to tip, one circumcised and the other uncircumcised. Fold the foreskin over the other tip to form a seal. Gently rock back and forth until done.
Circumcised man: Hey buddy...you wanna try the Norwegian Seesaw?
Uncircumcised man: What’s that?
by Supeshortys August 2, 2018
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The sexual position where the guy is on all fours arching his stomach towards the ceiling while the girl lies on top facing down alternating between kissing and vaginal/anal penetration.
Guy 1: Yo I heard you busted your knee, how did it happen?
Guy 2: Me and my girlfriend were doing the norwegian seesaw and put too much weight on my knee and it tore my ACL. It's a high-risk, high-reward position.
by Kips_IPA November 22, 2016
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