A fictional town in which all of the worlds noobs come from and are blissful with ignorance about their noobery, (noobish and/or noobful ways).
Ex 1)
Man 1: Hey Babaganoush...that was my coin you just picked up!
Noob: ...huh?
Man 1: *sigh* What's the weather like in Noobville anyways?
Ex 2)
Noob 1: Man we are so awesome, Noobville rawks!
Noob 2: Yeah I know, I feel bad for the rest of the world who doesn't get to live here.
(Both noobs exit to go play Dungeons and Dragons and have their moms make them a snack)
Man 1: Hey Babaganoush...that was my coin you just picked up!
Noob: ...huh?
Man 1: *sigh* What's the weather like in Noobville anyways?
Ex 2)
Noob 1: Man we are so awesome, Noobville rawks!
Noob 2: Yeah I know, I feel bad for the rest of the world who doesn't get to live here.
(Both noobs exit to go play Dungeons and Dragons and have their moms make them a snack)
by Kevin587 April 3, 2008