The no internet game that has somehow has turned into an internet meme
You have no internetYou have no internetYou have no internetYou have no internetYou have no internet
You have no internetYou have no internetYou have no internetYou have no internetYou have no internet
Friend:shit I have no internet
Other friend:but the no internet game is awesome
Friend:oh my god your right
Other friend:but the no internet game is awesome
Friend:oh my god your right
by Yeet dinosaur September 26, 2019
I got called fat today at school, i'll think i will go and play counterstrike and call a someone else fat.
by t0m3x May 20, 2004
yo, that party was full of lame white dudes that spend their time spitting internet game at highschool girls
by some white dude July 22, 2003