Most amazing and caring girl you will met. She is shy but fierce when she focus. She is transparent to few and loved by everyone
by Loverxox12 December 11, 2013
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Nerlie is a girl with a warm heart. Cares a lot about her friends, and is very sexy. Watch out boys, she's a keeper!
That's definitely a Nerlie!
by skillZ06 February 3, 2010
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Nerli is more than just a friend. You trust her more than anyone and she is always there for you. She makes you the happiest person alive and she always knows how to cheer you up. Nerli is so cute, will always cuddle with you and you will always cuddle with her. She is the coolest person ever, you can laugh with her and you two think say or do the same very often. Nerli is one of the best things that could happen to you and you're always looking forward to see her again.
I like Nerli, she's cool.
by milchpreis February 3, 2018
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