A "Near-Fact-Check" or "NFC" is a polite way to call a "fact-check" that failed to meet logical integrity -wrong, but "hey, you almost got it buddy.". This helps the "fact-checker" to not be depressed or toxic, or take out their rage on the victims of their gas-lighting narcissistic abuse. Since fact-checkers are given so much trust by the public, and had one job to do - and failed at providing the facts - they are gas-lighting, by definition, and narcissistically.
"Hey, look, PoliticFact, I know you tried real hard there and I appreciate that energy, but it didn't cut it. It's okay, let's just call it a 'Near Fact Check' and give you a golden star right there next to your name anyways, for trying ... okay?"
by Biggie Dawg January 29, 2021
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