Wow, if you know a nakkara your honestly really lucky, a nakkara is a caring, strong and supportive women she is a great mother if ever to become one and she has many friends. She is great at hiding her pain eventhough she still lives her life to the fullest and has fun whenever she sees an opportunity. She's very selfless and she will love you with all she has if you are important to her. If you were to get lucky enough to date her you'll be amazed, she loves to have a laugh and she will take very good care of you, yes at times she can be bipolar or stressed and yes she can get really mad other than that she's pretty much the calmest person you'll ever meet. She'll sacrifice everything just for someone she loves truly. There are some bad traits about a nakkara for one she gets annoyed way to easily, she's great at giving you the silent treatment and she can resort to violence if really needed, she finds it funny to be extremely annoying towards family members or lovers but other than those traits she's a great human being.
Person number 1: yo my mums the best and she is always there for me.
Person number 2: she sounds like a nakkara
Person number 1: how'd you know???
by Nakkara November 22, 2021
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