A hypocritical democrat who supports their party’s ideals but pushes back when implemented policies affect their life because they do not think systematically. Basically, a hypocrite whose motto is “make others empathize and share, but don’t touch my bubble.” They believe solar should be mandatory yet refuse to install it on their property; they believe that schools should be integrated but push back when their child’s school has poor/urban people in it; they want taxes for the rich to be higher but only on people richer than themselves; they believe in social equality yet live in a gated community; they support public housing but fight against development in their community.

Examples include: Cape Cod residents who support renewable energy but fought tooth and nail to prevent windmills off the coast, men who support gender equality but generally deride female leaders, professionals who support higher upper-end tax rates then rail about how high their taxes are when their salary increases, white suburbanites who preach about racial equality yet cross the street when they see a black person, educated rich liberals who believe in social class integration yet only have educated rich friends, California homeowners who promote affordable housing but refuse to allow any construction in their neighborhood.
The NIMBYcrats refuse to find a good solution to affordable housing because they all refuse to allow it in their neighborhoods.
The major difference between NIMBYcrats and champagne socialists is the former legitimately believes what they preach then complain against it, whereas the champagne socialists are just putting on a show and don't actually believe in wealth distribution.
NIMBYcrats and Confusatives are an unfortunately large and stupid voter base for their parties.
by DGarb June 3, 2019
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