Ali is a jewish originated name, it was made popular by Prophet Muhammads uncle, Ali Ibn Abu Talib. Cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad. In 656 he became the last of the "rightly guided" caliphs. The fourth of the caliphs or successors of Muhammad, was born in Mecca. His father, Abu Talib, was an uncle of the Prophet, and Ali himself was adopted by Muhammad and educated under his care.

While a boy, he distinguished himself by being one of the first to declare his adherence to the cause of Muhammad. Some years afterwards he married the Prophet's daughter Fatima Zahra. Ali proved himself to be a brave and faithful soldier, and when Muhammad died without a male heir, some thought Ali to have the best claim to succeed Muhammad. Not until 656, after the murder of Uthman, the third caliph, however, did Ali assume the title of caliph. Certain conspirators later claimed that he took no steps to prevent this murder, but other sources claim that Ali sent his sons to defend Uthman, and was angered when they were unable to protect him.

The question of Ali's right to succeed to the caliphate is an article of faith which divided the Muslim world into two great sects, the Sunni and the Shia. The Sunnis believe that the prophet chose Abu Bakr to be the first caliph, while the Shia believe that he chose Ali. Ali did not challenge Abu Bakr or any of the later caliphs, however, but rather served as an advisor to them.
Muhammad Ali Jaafar is actually 都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你
by Wo I Beijing Tienamen December 11, 2021
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