Mount Morris High school ethier a Hick or a wanna be thug or dont know there gender everyone there has at least one trail pending or is on probation The Teachers are actually pretty good but there sports they got wrestling and volleyball they have a playoff football team but other then that they are not known everyone from mount morris ethier has a Kid or is a virgin wanna go to the bathroom whats that they have a Smoking zone thats its nothing else so unless you got a dispo or a dab pen dont go in there and dont goto in the locker rooms or you gonna see at least 1 person getting sum coochie for some reason theres always 1 gun threat there and dont goto the glass hallway or your gonna see the Emo kids making out damn near about to have sex so At mt morris high school your ethier a Hick or Wanna be thug no inbetween.
Yo Mount Morris highschool is like going to a off brand powers catholic
by SumHickFromMtMorris November 9, 2020
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