When you need experience to get the job, but need the job to get the experience.
Sorry, fresh out of college with no working experience, good luck somewhere else. That's the millennial paradox.
by Renegade Fox Fire July 20, 2016
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This is the process of being both fully aware of something, and also being completely ignorant of it at the same time.
Demonstrated perfectly by Millennials who are 'fighting the cause', but have no chuffing idea what is really going on.
"I did movember so, like, you know, I know all about prostate cancer and stuff"
"tell me more about prostate cancer"
"well, erm, Movember is for prostate cancer. And it's cancer. Of the prostrate sic"
"genius - Millennial paradox right there"
by Pidgemeister January 11, 2017
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