Michael Lamb is the worst insult you can say to someone, it means you are a greasy homeless rat that stands over 6”4 and weighs the same as a new born child who no one likes and follows people around when no one in the group likes them. Everyone does the best they can to avoid this rat-like human but he seems to always spawn out of no where and give you the death stare with his disgusting warts on his mouth and his slippy gnarly greasy hair. He claims to ‘have a shower’ at lunch but everyone knows that’s a lie. He thinks he is cool and a gangster who occasionally throws out a “whats up my g” or a “gang shit bruv” and when he says this everyone laughs at what an excuse of a human he is. He barely talks and just stares into space during conversations and will only show signs of life when everyone starts laughing and he joins in but that’s usually followed by an awkward silence because when he laughs he exposes his dirty yellow primitive teeth.
by JohnnyGamer November 24, 2019
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