Meet In The Middle

When two women team up while performing oral sex on a man - one beginning from the front of the cock and one beginning from the asshole, moving in opposite directions toward the choda.
Janine and Sandra were going down on me the other night, when all of a sudden Sandra circled around to my asshole and told Janine, in a muffled voice, that they'd Meet In The Middle
by Marco1234 May 22, 2008
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Meet in the Middle

The sexual act of of two males or transvestites putting their genitallia into both ears of a woman, with the goal of meeting their genitals in the middle, although this is rarely achieved.
Guy 1: Dude u must have had some crazy sex!

Guy 2: Yeah we tried meet in the middle
by hardcoreconservative69 March 7, 2011
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