She is an adventurous person who loves taking risks in her life. She is full of risk and spontaneity.
When she loves, she loves unconditionally. If you are one of her exe’s she will never stop loving u and care for u. She is so naiv.

She is a loyal person who doesn’t want to hurt anyone and wants to be friendly with everyone. Once you betray her, she won’t forget it. But she will still treat u as her friend even though she got hurt.

She loves spending time with her family. Thats her favourite way to spend a good day. Family is the first priority. But. She can love someone and build up a family level relationship. She will treat some of her friends as her family. No matter what.

As soon as she go through something rough, she will start run from the problem
And do spontaneous things. She will start close people away from her. She will sometimes start act irritated and always down. This doesn’t make she doesn’t care for you. She needs her space.
Meenuya is the most adventurous person and is lovable.
by Someone anonymous person November 23, 2021
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