Now commonly used as a name, “meekael” was a phatic expression used to insult or scold someone who had and homosexual affair with your partner. Now Meekael is used as a name to describe someone who lacks confidence because his name is spelled so incorrectly. The name originates from other languages so they’re is a myriad of spellings however Meekael is the least common and most incorrectly spelled variant similar to how “Michael” is spelled in English. Persons named Meekael often remain abstinent for reasons outside of their control despite having a tremendous amount of libido. They resort to masturbation to suppress these urges. In some rare cases, a Meekael will discover Marijauna and become a super pothead asshole and always leave his phone on do-not-disturb as to not “kill his high” as he proceeds to eat a spicy chicken sandwich from popyes. Those are the worst Meekaels by far.
“Hey Jennie, have you seen Meekael around?”

“Oh hey Hamed! Yeah! He was in his car getting stoned at Popeyes.”

Oh geez Jennie, we need to get him a girlfriend!”

“You’re right Hamed but he’s always being such a Meekael!”
by Richard Sanchez, Ph. D. Oxford November 22, 2021
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