The greatest human to exist bc they very extra and hot. They are so caring and affectionate to those they love. They are mostly into sports that are aquatic such as swimming because they are low-key fish. Matthew Maximilian's will go against everything that they have been raised up with and change their beliefs (religion) if they're passionate about it. Though they may be a player *COUGH COUGH* at a certain point in life, they eventually leave their fudgeboy ways. They are also very smart, but hella lazy so they don't use their intelligence to the MAXIMUM. ( get it heh cause maximilian ) Their taste in music ranges from Kpop to sad love songs which is mostly why they ever get sad. Their favorite group in Kpop is most likely Blackpink, primarily Jennie. ;) Overall, Matthew Maximilian's are the most handsome, skilled, talented, smart, amazing, godly, FUNNY and amazing humans. If you ever happen to meet a Matthew Maximilian, dont take them for granted because they are most likely going to be your most favorite person ever. Also, they love boba and Korean fried chicken. UPKO.
by jeonghan November 8, 2018