Marry me!

An expression one may use when attempting to deflect or avoid a conversation. The person saying this expression may also be attempting to make it look like the other person (in the conversation) is saying something ridiculous.

Originated by Mae "Maeby" Fünke on the television series, "Arrested Development".
1) Michael: ...Why aren’t you in school right now?
Maeby: Marry me!

2) (Mort takes Maeby's book report thinking it's a movie treatment)
Mort Meyers: What's this? So, you're this Funke everyone's been talking about. You can't be more than what? Fifteen?
Mae "Maeby" Fünke: (laughing nervously) Marry me!
by AvsC April 14, 2008
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Marry me

Usually in online communications, when one person says something very clever/funny at the same time to a person who was asking a stupid question. A third person may acknowledge the replier's effort by saying "Marry me!", effectively praising him/her on the cleverness of the reply.
OP: Do you like Justin Bieber?

Person 1: Yeah, I bet she has a tight vagina.

Person 2: @Person 1; MARRY ME!
by hugooguh February 3, 2013
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marry me

The breast size between "damn" and "noooo way those are real", typically about 34DD. Involuntarily spoken by impressed men.
Dave stepped into the elevator next to a hottie with an amazing rack. "Marry me" he said involuntarily.
by Mr Shark August 19, 2006
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Marry me

Marry me
Marry me
by Charles Dickens Rodney February 3, 2022
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Marry Me

A finalising act - two which two participants, who are immensely, irrevocably and inevitably in love with one another to "seal the deal" - i.e. Chelsea Macfarlane and Riaz Amin.

To which his psychotic ex cannot get in the way of, lmao hoebag.

I love you 😂

chelsea adored it every time the words "marry me" uttered from Riaz's lips.
by tigertiger October 26, 2016
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will you marry me

will you marry me
by jimmy stevan October 26, 2016
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Will you marry me

uh who are u, no lol
(romantic music playing while the sun sets)

dude : “Hey bebehgarl I have been waiting all my entire 9 lives just to say this, Will you marry me?”

person : “uh who are u, no lol

background : “oh no they rejected them too bad so sad
by definitely not Nadia July 14, 2021
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