March 2

National Day of Just-Be-Yourself

A day where you can just be your weird ass self and celebrate yourself, and no one can judge you. Not even your relatives.
Mom: Why are you wearing two different colored socks and pajamas??
Daughter: 'Cuz it's March 2 and I can do what I want
by btspavedtheway0613 October 15, 2019
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March 2

National Get a girl day, A day where all you dweeb will get a girlfriend.
On March 2 I got a girlfriend.
by Better Couple October 28, 2019
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March 2

Friend: *Walks down hotel hallway*
Two people in room: AHH AHH AHH AHH OH F*CK AHH
Other friend: Why are they having sex so early in the morning
Friend: It’s March 2
by Ratchetly February 20, 2020
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March 2

The day where you can skip skewl, get fat, and be kewl, because no one will judge you for no reason at all
Mom:Get ready for school
Daughter:But it's March 2nd
by Uraka November 14, 2019
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March 2

“March 2 is emily’s birthday , on national twerking day !”
by hoebag420 October 18, 2019
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March 2

March 2 is when you hand out with your boyfriend or girlfriend
by Brownie moment February 28, 2021
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March 2

Nation eat out your girlfriend day. ( today is the day to eat her TF out)
You: today is march 2nd, you know what that means?
Girlfriend: I do, come to my room already
by Ba11s March 1, 2023
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