She is beautiful,outstanding and confident,A girl who acts shy in front of a lot of people but crazy with her friends. she is so intelligent and beyond beautiful and so sexy too,She defends anything she loves. She is very protective of her friends and family, and sometimes can act a bit mature, but will be silly instantly. she is also faithful and the most special girl that you will ever meet because of her unique name.
She isn't one to follow the crowd, and likes to stick out with her friends.

Maderline usually loves music,adventures and gets excited over little things. she is destined to be someone great .
She doesn't like it much when her name is pronounced wrong, but doesn't speak up most of the time to tell hem wrong. She usually goes by the nickname Maddie, Maddy,

"Who is that beautiful and sexy girl over there?"

"Oh, that's Maderline"period
Who is that beautiful and sexy girl over there?

“Oh ,that’s maderlineperiod
by Kanyanga November 22, 2021
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