Where to start. Capricorn at its finest. Head strong, loyal and will hurt you to the soul if you dare to cross them or their loved ones. Loves to explore yet homebody that gets excited to just stay in and watch a good movie. Maasae is unique in their own ways and always overthinks things. A lot of times they don’t see the bigger picture and will react negatively to certain situations due to past trauma and lack of childhood affection. When respected by Maasae, you know you have a friend for the long run. When they love, they love hard but when they are hurt and disrespected, they don’t forget. They may seem like the bigger and better person, but they are fighting their inner demons to not retaliate. Maasae is either your friend or not. There is no in between and you will know what side you stand on with them.
Wow, from day one Maasae has been an amazing friend to me. But I would have to make him mad.
by ThatOneInTheCorner November 23, 2021
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