He is the hottest men you can ever get. He is too loyal.They never cheats on girlfriends. He has great taste and amazing personality. Never ask any Maarif to compare you with cars and soccer because answer will not you no matter who you are. He is so addicted to cars and soccer. Maarif’s just living life. They are person that you can trust them without thinking about it. They are little bit more emotional too also mostly they are from muslim religion .
by Milan Rodriguez November 20, 2021
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Ma'arif are strong, resilient and very intelectual people. Is an example for many people and are not afraid of anybody. Ma'arifs are strong in their beliefs in the exsistence of god. Ma'arifs have strong leadership materials, keen to learn, very persuasive and are very wise. You wouldn't wanna miss out on Ma'arif's advise!
You can usually find Ma'arifs in their private space learning new things and praying to god

The meaning of Maarif is '“knowledge”, “wisdom”.
by Dumbengcucukakek20 November 22, 2021
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