The Lovers of Cluj-Napoca are two human skeletons buried together in a cemetery in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca. The skeletons belong to a man and woman who died when they were around 30 years old.

The lovers lived between 1450 and 1550. They were buried facing each other and with their hands interlocked. The male skeleton likely died due to a broken sternum caused by a blow from a blunt object in a fight or accident. The cause of death of the female is unclear from her skeleton. Archaeologists compared the lovers to Romeo and Juliet because the woman may have died of a broken heart caused by the death of the man.

They were both buried at the same time. The larger male skeleton is on the right and the smaller female skeleton is on the left.
The Lovers of Cluj-Napoca were a romantic couple that were buried together in the historic city of Cluj-Napoca.
by Balanced Happiness June 24, 2020
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