
pronunciation: l-u:zə(r)n-dom

The condition of a loser, the state of idiocy as a result of incompetence or stagnation. The realm or sphere of being a loser.

The high-guy world of the dumb-dumb, candy-raver, with the do-do (or better known as a pacifier or 'binky') in their dried, drool-encrusted gob.
He got lost in Loserndom on his way to Retardedville.

"I'm going to drop some liquid on his binky if that dumb-ass stuck in Loserndom, blows his fucking whistle one more time."
by Lady Logorrhea May 21, 2010
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pronunciation: l-u:zə(r)n-dom

The condition of a loser, the state of idiocy as a result of incompetence or stagnation. The realm or sphere of being a loser.

The high-guy world of the dumb-dumb, candy-raver, with the do-do (or better known as a pacifier or 'binky') in their dried, drool-encrusted gob.
He got lost in Loserndom on his way to Retardedville.

"I'm going to drop some liquid on his binky if that dumb-ass stuck in Loserndom, blows his fucking whistle one more time."
by Lady Logorrhea May 21, 2010
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