a phrase used by Orbits (Loona fans) telling to stan (become a fan) of Loona (a kpop group)
Orbits on twitter: "Stan Loona"
Non-kpop stan: who?
Orbits: "Shhhh *shows them girl front*
by massechuusetts February 24, 2021
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"To stan loona" means to stan Loona(the girl of the month) and if you won't stan them, orbits will beat your ass
by Flavia xD July 21, 2019
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just, stan loona. you won't regret it. stream why not
"stan loona"
"whos loona?"
"just stan loona, coward"
by idalsoul November 1, 2020
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A phrase used by (usually homosexual) fans of the South Korean group, LOONA. It is typically used under random Twitter/TikTok posts without little to no explanation.
“Hey guys, I got this new-!”
Stan Loona
by næviscalling May 22, 2023
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Stan loona is a very popular phrase used by orbits and kpop fans.
Girl: My fish died :((
Gay: If you had stanned loona, it could've lived
*puts kim lip paint the town fancam*
Girl: excuse me, who are you?
Gay: Stan Loona
Girl: Why would I?
Gay: Your dog is next *disappears*
by KPOP GIRL WHO LOVES ANIME HAHA September 26, 2021
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It’s a amazing girl group from SK and have a lot of talent like singing rapping , dancing , and more! Also did I mention that they are lesbians (except for haseul ) and they’re unique / wonderful girls.
Stan loona!
sure I’ll Stan right now!!!
by Orbit127390 December 22, 2020
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Please stan Loona they are talented af.
Remember kids Stan Loona Stan Talent
by StanLoonaStanTalent November 2, 2018
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