The alter/rap-ego of Kamden Butterfield, son of notorious rapper Nemesis. As an inhabitant of Southern California was often seen freesytling with the likes of Gerstner, Shaw, Morris, Delon (who it was thought was sponsored by Rice Crispy Treats), and occassionally the reputed JJ Niggs during his high school years.
Lil Nem also experienced a short-lived high school football career that was was brought to an end so that Lil Nem could focus on his one true love...freestyling.
During the later high school years, Lil Nem switched high schools but occasional sightings of the legend occurred at high school basketball games, during which the opposite side could often be heard yelling out derogatory comments regarding the rapper.
"My name's Lil Nem and I rap battle on the net/I'm pretty good but haven't signed a record deal yet/Fuck lunch I'll go type in a few raps/Fuck DB I just want a couple snaps/Though some people might think my rapping's a joke/Me and Nemesis just wanna get our butts poked.
by K Hizzle February 14, 2005
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