Librarape (noun): The act of receiving unwanted and unwelcomed tasks forcibly placed upon oneself in a library. Regardless of how loud one kicks, screams, yells, cries, blows librarape whistles, or the like-librarape is sure to occur. Victims of librarape are often physically, mentally and emotionally weak for days, even weeks after the incident. Some victims of more serious incidences of librarape often exhibit many symptoms of modern psychological disorders. librarape is especially frequent during finals week.
Victim: Bro, I've been at the library for the past 16 hours. I...I...*stammers*...I...just don't know. I DON'T KNOW MAN!
Friend: You Don't know what?
Friend: Sounds like you got Libraraped!

Victim: I tried slitting my wrists with the books, then strangling myself with the mouse cord, but the pain just wouldnt go away.
Psychologist: I see and how does that make you feel?
Victim: Like I've been *dramatic chipmunk look* LIBRARAPED!
Psychologist: GASP!

Guy 1: So dude, what did you think of that movie, A Beautiful Mind?
Guy 2: I thought it was great. I love how the director incorporated the psychological aspects into the film!
Guy 1: Well this is my theory. I dont think Russell Crowe was crazy. I just think he spent too much time at the library.
Guy 2: Interesting point. He could have simply been severely affected by Librarape.
Guy 1: True Dat!
by SKARLET REMEDY December 17, 2010
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