A popular Robocraft player and twitch streamer, leftyspinhand is known by a decent sized community within the game for his interaction with the players viewing his stream. He owns a clan in the game that has over 20 members from his close friends.

He primarily plays Battle Arena instead of the more popular Team Deathmatch.

One of the most popular parts of his streams are when he encounters his favorite Robocraft clan, Quantum. He commonly gets angry at them due to the skill difference between them, and the streamers absolutely love it. The drama never suffers a dull moment.
Is Leftyspinhand streaming Robocraft? I want to see what he's doing.
by Xan the Dragon October 25, 2018
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the most Awesome, Robocraft pro of all time.
leftyspinhand your a pro!
by leslie69_ October 6, 2018
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