Left Wanker. An opinionated, dogmatically-rabid, politics-obsessed partisan to the extreme Left of the political spectrum
Only an extreme Left Wanker would advocate seizing the assets of the rich and distributing them to the poor.
by Butt Man April 15, 2015
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When communism means free hand jobs for all
Reactionary: Only an extreme Left Wanker would advocate seizing the assets of the rich and distributing them to the poor. I'm going to ignore that forms of wealth redistribution exist in every democratic nation in the world in my strawman of their argument and continue to fear change due to how my socioeconomic environment restricted my access to education and multicultural experiences limiting my ability to think independently and have empathy for those who are different from me.
Left wanker: you fool, by rejecting materialism and having a collectivist mindset I'm ready to offer my legendary two handed technique to any glorious comrade fighting against the evils of capitalism. Don't you know communism means free hand jobs for all?
by leftistmonke November 26, 2020
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