A difficult to find Chinese restaurant in the Soho area of London. Famous for it's large portions of Beef Chow Mein. Frequently sought by werewolves on rainy nights.
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand, walking through the streets of Soho in the rain.
He was looking for the place called Lee Ho Fook's. Gonna to get a big dish of beef chow mein.
by Kinamand June 21, 2011
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A Chinese restaurant in the bad part of London (re: London). A probable triad front, it’s noted violent crimes and werewolf sightings.

Might be named for prominent Chinese communist Ho Lee Fook
Saw a man get stabbed out by Ho Lee Fook’s
Doin the Werewolves of London
by Raul Pudd October 8, 2023
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