Lazy Nigga

Someone who wakes up around 12:00 pm on a daily basis. A lazy nigga can be defined in many ways its mostly a derogatory term used for an unproductive bum ass nigga who sleeps the majority of the day.
Damn that lazy nigga always sleeping.
by Johnny 6 June 2, 2013
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lazy ass nigga

An 18-21 year old who still thinks he has his whole life ahead of him, without having accomplished anything so much as a G.E.D. He lives with his momma who constantly kicks him out where he then goes and stays at a " traphouse" (crackhouse) or anywhere they will let him. He sits outside ppls houses freeloading wifi or anything else he can get.. Food. Makes a mess in your house and doesn't even clean up after themselves.
Man I wish this lazy ass nigga would go freeload somewhere else.
by cash over ass February 26, 2016
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