LARJIZ- the act or art of reporting lies and propaganda to a centralized reporting database LARVIZ.
1. LARJIZ - The LAR had submitted a LARJIZ Ticket, and I had to Disapprove that shit.

2. LARJIZ - Oh man, that there is worth about TWO LARJIZ tickets.

3. LARJIZ - Dude stop fuckin around and just knock out the LARJIZ Ticket so there is something for the report.
4. LARJIZ - The STR approved all 183ea LARJIZ Tickets for same unit and M2A1 cartridge stops missing.
5. LARJIZ - WHAT?? No LARJIZ, for fucks sake I don’t care if your on leave … Weekly LARJIZ reporting is weekly reporting.
6. LARJIZ - will be on pace to replace all unit leadership functions, PMCS, troubleshooting and accountability for unit readiness.

7. LARJIZ - Remember “LARJIZ MATTERS….you signed up for this, it’s in your job description.”
8. LARJIZ - 💩💩🔥🔥 the more you fuck around with LARJIZ, the more you find out about LARJIZ.
9. LARJIZ - negates leadership from
Exposing their high level functioning autism.

10. LARJIZ LAR - CNTRL F in TM to find a reference-able Work Package to generate a False Fault for LARJIZ submission is Shit Turd intellectual intelligence.
by LARJIZ MASTER June 5, 2023
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