Yet another surperficial little girl getting every part of her ego from Born in Daytona Beach, Florida. Most commonly known as Kotuh Kriminal, The Princess Of Perfection. The scene queen also claims to "piss" perfection. She's the girl everyone hates, but wants to be just like. Basically the Barbie doll you never had. Looks can be deceiving. She's only fifteen. She's often seen with her "bestie" Cyco Steve at shows, and NEVER without her "scenekick".
Cyco Steve: C'mon Kotuh let me hit thattt.
Kotuh: No way, we're just besties.
Cyco Steve: Don't you think I'm scene enough!?
by rytruhtfujytrfdsegt May 19, 2008
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A famous MySpace whore, who spells criminal with a K.
Scene boy:I heard Kotuh Kriminal was gonna be there!
Scene girl:OMGG KOOL! What's her real name anyways?
Scene boy:Who the fuck cares, we met her on MySpace!
by Random MySpace Whore August 4, 2007
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