
If you doing something khaz,you will do that after many people have done that before.
Enghadr khazesh nakonid.ya be ebarati.....
by Peyman7697 August 16, 2018
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When an Iranian finds something interesting and funny
After a while, because of frequent use, that becomes khaz !
Ohhh,look! The Iranians have even made the urban dictionary khaz!
by MR24 August 17, 2018
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someone who has khaz tendencies and wears khaz and generally oozes khaz-ness.
vaiiiii cheghadr oon yaaroo khaze!!
by shishe October 15, 2010
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A Mythical place short for the name of Khaz Modan, a continent of Dwarves.
for khaz modan, long live the proud Dwarves on such a glorious land mass
by Khaz February 16, 2004
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The term most commonly used to refer to something that is outdated or outdated .
This word is so khaz .

Oh man , this book is so khaz and anybody don't use it anymore !
by JaevxeN January 7, 2020
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hoes khaz

Hoes Khaz cuz that’s where all the hoes go to.

Hauz Khaz is a place in Delhi where they have a lot of bars and clubs and where all the hoes at.
person 1: man if u need hoes let’s go to hoes khaz
person 2: what’s hoes khaz dawg
Person 1: bro u don’t know hoes khaz cuz it’s where all the hoes at.
Person 2: I’m down man. Let’s get em hoes
by Britneny 2709 August 25, 2022
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