Josh is one of the most amazing guys you'd ever meet. Simply because he is honest, hilarious, witty, responsible, mature, selfless, wise and very caring. Although he may seem intimidating and emotionally unavailable sometimes, he becomes the most amazing human when you get him to open up. Which is a really hard thing to do.

He is very reserved and speaks like a god. Josh is also a very attractive man with soulful marbles. When he sees you as part of his loved ones, Josh would look out for you every step of your new relationship and sometimes acts as your doctor. He may withdraw at times because he fears losing you. But when that time comes, shower him with love and keep him close because you DO NOT want to lose him! Joshuas are amazing human beings when you meet one, consider yourself very blessed!
We love our male friends, especially the ones whose names are like Joshua (Josh)🥺
by blu 🤍 April 11, 2022
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Josh is an amazing, awesome, fantastic guy. He is one of the greatest guys you will ever find. May be a little timid at first, but he is talkative, funny, and very kind once you get to know him. Josh is one of the most loyal and sweetest person you can find, he always knows what to say, he can make you smile no matter what, he is the most amazing person, but he will deny it if you say it.
Josh (Joshua) a god of men, the pinnacle.
by Veteren716ga November 23, 2021
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A quiet boring person who has fun and immediately regrets it. Has trust issues and is kept by his girlfriend on a tight leash. Has major OCD and struggles to meet the pressures of living in the “real world” due to a sheltered upbringing and won’t get his hands dirty.
Stop being such a Josh (Joshua)
by Shingles July 31, 2018
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