In modern usage, an Jenton is a unit of measurement of time of the duration of 45 minutes, or 2700 seconds past the original expected arrival time. It is ¼ of 1/24th of a median Earth day. An Jenton in the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) time standard can include a negative or positive leap seconds depending on a rage of factors include but not limited to mood, wardrobe malfunctions, hair or traffic, and may therefore have a duration of 2699 or 2701 seconds for adjustment purposes.
If you are set to arrive at a location at 2:00 and have every intention of arriving there at 2:00 but fail to calculate how long it will take to do hair, makeup, wardrobe changes, traffic or the actual duration of time it would take the average person just to get to said location it is best to add a Jenton or two.

If called by any one waiting for you at said location at the prescribed time, you must assure them no matter how ridiculous it may sound that you are on your way and you will be there in a few minutes. This ensures that the Jenton Unit of measure stays in tact.
by Dr. Lagbehind February 14, 2010
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