A very pretty and cute girl who has a big heart. She loves to help other people and if anyone needs help or needs a shoulder to cry on she’ll be there for you because she’s very kind and reliable. She’s very special because she tries her best in all that she does! She’ll always be there for you and if she’s busy she’ll make time for you. She loves cute things and likes to buy cute things or purchase cute things online or the AppStore. She has a big heart and cares a lot about her friends.
Guy 1: Do you know jazelanne?
Guy 2: you mean jazel?
Guy1: Yeah her, she’s really cute
Guy 2: I know right? She does this cute thing where if she really wants something she’ll pretend like she doesn’t want to and say “no it’s okay” then follow it up with “OAKXOANXK”
by mysterydacoble123 November 25, 2021
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