A well known mythological being that is able to charm women in to loaning them out to poor needy guys. He was also a pornstar and made the porn industry what it is today. He has amazing laptop skills aswell as a drug baron
whos that?. OH SHIT ITS JANGIR!!!
by bob simonea November 30, 2010
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This one male man who is extremely smart. There is high probability that he is very attractive and hot. He is good at strategic games e.g. chess. Jangir is an overthinker, thus he overthinks a lot. He is aroused by deep stuff like philosophy or literature. He is probably from Kazakhstan or other -stan country.
-I'm going out with this guy next Friday.
- The one named after some Mongolian king or whatever?

- Gosh, you can say it loudly, he is not a Voldemort, it's Jangir.
by BadDarkEvil May 31, 2022
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